
Guideline to customize Configuration, Icons, and Splash Screens for iOS and Android.

App Customization

As you have installed all dependencies of the app, its time to customize and modify it.

For customization, open following folder

TradeBakerz -> WooCommerce

Configuration File

In config.js you can define BaseUrl, Consumer Key and Consumer Secret.

const Constants = {
    url: {
    Keys: {
        ConsumeKey: 'ck_f3a2b3e6c809b28191a0353630e47d10d88a05a1',
        ConsumerSecret: 'cs_52c136bda78ca55619a1b8c950855a93654f9087'

Add your Website URL in the baseURL

For ConsumerKey and ConsumerSecret You can generate keys from admin dashboard of your WooCommerce website. To do so follow these steps:

  1. Login to your WooCommerce admin dashboard.

  2. Go to Dashboard -> WooCommerce -> Settings -> Advanced -> REST API

  3. Click "Add key" and make permissions Read and Write.

Then the site will generate all api details that can be used in TradeBakerZ App Template.

Change Logo, Icon and Splash Screen

To change the app logo that appears in the top of the app, you need to replace logo.png in TradeBakerZ -> assets -> images with your logo:

Change App Icon and Splash Screen in Android

Open TradeBakerZ -> android -> app -> src -> main - res and replace the above png files.

Make sure to replace files in al of the resolution folders.

Change App Icon and Splash Screen for iOS

Similarly replace all existing icon and Splash screen files for iOS

Last updated