Paypal Integration

Paypal integration guideline

TradeBakerZ is integrated with Paypal gateway. For this, you need to have account with Paypal. To apply for Paypal account click here

Changes in Configuration

You need to change Paypal Client Id and Paypal Method. For this,

Go to

TradeBakerZ -> WooCommerce

and change PaypalClientId with your Id.

 Keys: {
        ConsumeKey: 'ck_f3a2b3e6c809b28191a0353630e47d10d88a05a1',
        ConsumerSecret: 'cs_52c136bda78ca55619a1b8c950855a93654f9087',
        PaypalClientId: 'AVV7COoIlpQUFIrDhmVmMF4XXUhLWw3liXp5J6-wqC6zqn5SyGds5VZLvOAqBHr7h-uEIRuhW7eo8Ow4', // Paypal Client ID
        PaypalMethod: PayPal.SANDBOX // 3 env available: NO_NETWORK, SANDBOX, PRODUCTION

Now if you are running on sandbox mode, select PaypalMethod as Paypal.SANDBOXotherwise you should use the production environment PayPal.PRODUCTION

Last updated